What’s New at Tabor/Breed

Shawano Fair Fundraiser

Wolf River Lutheran High School is looking for volunteers to help at the Shawano County Fair over Labor Day Weekend, August 29-September 2. There are three four-hour shifts per day. You can work as a ticket seller, parker, or flagman. Contact Donna Klemens at 715-853-3127 if you are interested in helping out with this fundraiser. The high school will appreciate your support.

A lift chair is provided in the back of the church for anyone who has problems getting out of a chair. Donated by Rick Gipp.
New Carpet
You are going to see strings, etc. on the carpet for some time.  PLEASE–Just point them out to a Council Member. This is Commercial Carpet, known as Loop Carpet.  If you see a snag or a string hanging out, DO NOT PULL IT!!! This will cause an issue that cannot be repaired.   Just report the issue.  Thank You!
We are a little over halfway to our goal.  We need 18 or so members to step up to go over the finish line.  $220 for Half a Pew or $440 for a Whole Pew.  We are hoping to get underway in about two weeks.

Pew Fundraiser
Shortly the Flooring Project will be completed, and the FINAL phase of the project will begin–THE PEWS! This piece of the project will be completed at a cost of $9,700 or $440 per PEW. Each member/family is encouraged to “SPONSOR” one-half of a PEW. SPONSORSHIP WILL BE $220. We only need 45 sponsors. Multiple sponsorships will be appreciated. We have a very short time to accomplish this task, so please ACT TODAY! Put your SPONSORSHIP in any envelope and mark it “PEW”. Thank you.  The Church Council

The area between our front doors and the bell tower now has a 4×4 border and stone. The Church does not have a caretaker, per se; therefore, no plantings have been placed. We want to give the congregation an “Opportunity” to offer their proposals/donations for consideration by the Council. Bear in mind that we have no one to maintain so items like a “Monument” or “Pavers” with a focal point could work nicely. We do have the bench by the door from the Elbe family that could easily be incorporated within. If you wish to have us consider any plan, please contact any member of the Council. Our next meeting is July 12 and we would like to have several to review. Thank You.

Wish List for the Bequest Fund:  church flooring, reupholstering the pews, track lighting in the back of the church, and communion ware.

Upcoming Dates:

Pastor Stoll will be on vacation from July 29 through August 8.