Church Organizations

Ladies Aid Mission Statement
The mission of the Tabor Lutheran Church Ladies Aid Society is to be of service and assistance to our congregation when and wherever an opportunity presents itself. Additionally, we seek to be of help in promoting Christian principles and ideals, while fostering Christian love and fellowship within and without the boundaries of the congregation. Our commitment is to do good at home and abroad for the Lord’s sake.

President: Nancy Krueger
Vice President:  Tracy Brooks
Secretary:  Evelyn Charlson
Treasurer: Diane Fitzpatrick

The Ladies Aid currently have nine active members. Activities include making quilts for the homeless shelter and needy; organizing and serving luncheons for funerals as requested; organizing and serving breakfasts for the congregation as needed (example:  for the congregational meeting). We also contribute to mission organizations. As members of the Altar Guild, we assist in decorating the church for Christmas. Members attend and participate in LWML zone and district functions.

Altar Guild Mission Statement
The mission of Tabor Lutheran Church Altar Committee is the care and beautification of the Chancel of the Church, including the care of the Communion Vessels, Baptismal Vessels and font; while fostering a better understanding of the liturgical heritage of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.


JANUARY:  Laurie Schoenebeck and Bette Quandt

FEBRUARY:  Brenda Urban and Bette Quandt

MARCH:  Nancy Krueger and Ev Charlson

APRIL:  Cindy Tennant and Janet Strohbusch

MAY:  Carol Felker and Donna Tetzlaff

JUNE:  Nancy Krueger and Bette Quandt

JULY:  Jane Porubcan and Tracy Brooks

AUGUST:  Carol Felker and Cheryl Jawort

SEPTEMBER:  Shirley Bubolz and Nancy Krueger

OCTOBER:  Brenda Urban and Bette Quandt

NOVEMBER:  Tracy Brooks and Bette Quandt

DECEMBER:  Tracy Brooks and Ev Charlson

WASP (Wednesday After School Program)
Every Wednesday during the school year from 3:45-5:00 p.m. an after-school program is conducted for the elementary school age children. This is led by Nancy Krueger. There are currently two children attending WASP.  They are dropped off by the school bus.  When they arrive, we have a snack before class.  Then we have our story time and do activities in their workbook.  We wrap up calss with a craft or fun activity, which are displayed on the bulletin boarc or windows.

Confirmation Class is instructed by Pastor during this time. A Christmas program in December is presented by the students followed with a soup and sandwich supper for fellowship.

Church Board MembersDan Felker, President, Head Elder, Trustee, Legal Representative; Gary Kebschull, 1st Vice President/Elder; Scott Tennant, 2nd Vice President/Elder; John Francis, Treasurer; Sonya Schultz, Secretary and Legal Representative; and Janet Strohbusch, Acting Financial Secretary

Church Organist(s):  Carol Hiese; Sunday and Lily Hakes

Recorded Music:  Nancy Krueger and Brenda Urban

Church Custodians:  Valerie Fingal and Brenda VandenBloomer

Church Administrator:  James Vorpahl

Church Newsletter:   Jane Porubcan, Layout

Website:  Jane Porubcan